Program: Convening a Powerful Coalition

The goal of our Convening Program is to build the relationships that support the environmental and social changes required for resilient lands and people. We also want to increase collaboration and our collective ability to respond to challenges and rise to opportunities. 

Upcoming Events

Click here to view our calendar of upcoming events.


Launched in August 2022  in partnership with Redbud Resource Group, Right Relations is a 9-month, cohort-based pilot program to build alliances with local Native American communities. The goals are to catalyze collective action for local Native lands and communities in the San Francisco Bay Area and to build the region’s capacity to strengthen Tribal sovereignty. Designed specifically for TOGETHER Bay Area members in partnership with Redbud Resource Group, the pilot program is focused on learning, action, and community. Participants will learn and grow individually, organizationally, and collectively through curated experiences.

Past Conferences

2023 Spring Conference

2022 Together Tuesdays

2022 Spring Together Retreat

2021 Together Tuesdays

2021 Spring Summit

2020 Fall Forum

There’s nothing like getting outside and learning first hand how TOGETHER Bay Area members do their work. Our field trips are opportunities for learning, brainstorming, problem solving, and community building. The field trips are limited to staff and Board members of TOGETHER Bay Area members.

2022 Field Trips

Previous field trips include:

  • Forest health for wildfire resilience, biodiversity, and recreation hosted by Marin Municipal Water District, February 2023.
  • Restoring, opening, and managing the summit of Mt Umunhum hosted by Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, October 2022. 
  • Opening new public lands at Pleasanton Ridge hosted by East Bay Regional Park District, June 2022.
  • Behind the scenes at the Tunnel Tops hosted by The Presidio Trust, February 2022.
  • Expanding uses and building bike parks hosted by Marin County Parks, October 2021.

Past Webinars

Watch webinars we’ve hosted about a range of topics and issues, and check out our YouTube channel for more webinars.

Community Conversations

Starting in March 2020, we have been convening conversations with different communities of practice: nonprofit executive directors, public land management agencies, stewardship and belonging, fire data compilers, communications and public affairs leaders, and more. These small group conversations provide opportunities for information sharing, brainstorming, problem solving, and relationship building. The topics and agendas are driven by our members’ needs and input. Two examples of community conversations are:

Public Land Management Agencies

What started with weekly zoom calls on Fridays at 4pm in mid-March 2020, senior leaders of public land management agencies from around the region gather regularly. 

Fire Data working group

Starting in April 2021, we have convened regular calls with professionals at nonprofits, public agencies, and companies who compile data about wildfire on the landscape. Watch the 2022 speaker series here.