2022 Year in Review

You’re invited to look at the past year with us. Click on the links to watch/rewatch and read/reread some of the things we produced this year. And please share this with your colleagues. 

All of this is possible because of TOGETHER Bay Area members. This is a regional coalition for, by, and with its members of nonprofits, Tribes and Indigenous groups, and public agencies. In the challenges of the pandemic, systemic racism, and climate change, we are in this together. 


  • Announced Connecting Urban Biodiversity project, a collaboration between TOGETHER Bay Area and California Academy of Sciences, that incorporates community science and iNaturalist, conservation science and the Conservation Lands Network, equity and disadvantaged communities, and urban creeks and watersheds.
  • Convened a members-only fireside chat with Amy Hutzel, the new Executive Officer of the State Coastal Conservancy, to learn about her vision for the agency and ask questions.


  • Kicked off our 2022 speaker series at the Fire & Data working group. Will Harling from the Eastern Klammath Restoration Partnership talked about how data played a role in getting multiple stakeholders to agree on a set of land management priorities. 
  • Co-hosted with the Presidio Trust a tour of the not-yet-opened Tunnel Tops. Included banh mi and cookies!

Tunnel Tops was still a construction site when we visited on a field trip co-hosted by the Presidio Trust. Banh mi sandwiches were enjoyed after the site tour.


  • Hosted the second speaker in our 2022 speaker series at the Fire & Data working group. Zeke Lunder of The Lookout emphasized one critical point: create a fire management plan!
  • Served as a leader in the advocacy for significant investment in the State Coastal Conservancy in the state’s budget surplus.
  • Welcomed four new members of the TOGETHER Bay Area board of directors at our quarterly meeting: Yakuta Poonawalla, Valerie Lee, Rebecca Johnson, and Melanie Parker.


  • Promoted 110+ of our members’ projects that support California’s 30×30 objectives in this interactive map, and shared the map with elected leaders. Plus we generated a lot of media attention
  • Coordinated meetings with Bay Area legislative staff and TOGETHER members to discuss our policy priorities.
  • Hosted the third speaker in our 2022 speaker series at the Fire & Data working group. Virginia Mahacek of WRA, Inc drove home the point that wildfire incidents involve many phases and many players, from fire fighting response, repairs, recovery, restoration, and research.


  • 300 people attended our first large, in person event since 2018! The Spring Together Retreat included a virtual kickoff, an all-day conference at the Craneway Pavilion in Richmond, and seven field trips co-hosted by TOGETHER members.
2022 Spring Together Retreat


  • A historic California state budget passed in the legislature and was signed by the Governor. We successfully championed for state funding that supports climate resilience and equity, including over $700 million for the State Coastal Conservancy.
  • The TOGETHER board approved our FY22-23 budget and workplan at our quarterly meeting.


  • Summer time!


  • Hosted the fourth speaker in our 2022 speaker series at the Fire & Data working group. Esther Mandeno of Digital Mapping Solutions and Carol Rice of Wildfire ResMgmt lasered in on the importance of quantitative vegetation information, like LANDFIRE.  
  • The TOGETHER Bay Area team retreated to the fog of the San Mateo coast to think big and connect as a team.


  • In partnership with Redbud Resource Group, we launched a new program, Right Relations, to build Native American alliances and build Tribal sovereignty through learning, action, and community. Right Relations is a 9-month, cohort-based pilot program in which 70 people from 25 TOGETHER Bay Area member organizations are participating. 
  • Hosted the final speaker in our 2022 speaker series at the Fire & Data working group. Dr. Max Moritz looked towards the future and discussed the science of fire frequency and the variables that determine ignition.
  • Hosted our first Together Tuesday with a member showcase about urban biodiversity with presentations by Land Trust of Santa Cruz County, The Coastside Land Trust,The Presidio Trust, Sonoma County Ag + Open Space, California Academy of Sciences


  • Hosted our second Together Tuesday with a member showcase about workforce development with presentations by Marin County Parks, Student Conservation Association, Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley, Grassroots Ecology, California Invasive Plant Council
  • Co-hosted with Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District a members-only field trip to the top of Mt Umunhum. Midpen staff told stories and shared information while we took in the views, asked questions, and ate banh mi and large chocolate chip cookies
  • Co-hosted with Parks California a workshop on the Outdoors For All initiative in partnership with Deputy Secretary of Access, Katherine Toy, at the beautiful Crissy Field Center in the Presidio. Attendees provided input, broke bread together, and got a special visit from Secretary of Natural Resources, Wade Crowfoot. 
  • Annie Burke, our executive director, presented “Why California’s 30×30 Initiative Gives Me Hope” on a national webinar hosted by The Stewardship Network.

Taking the view at the top of Mt Umunhum on a field trip hosted by Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District. Not pictured: hilarious stories and enormous chocolate chip cookies.


  • Hosted our third and final Together Tuesday of 2022 with a member showcase about 30×30 projects with presentations by Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation, East Bay Regional Park District, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, Sonoma Land Trust, Peninsula Open Space Trust
  • Welcomed members and non-members to a virtual open house about our policy committee to learn what we do and how we do it (click to watch a great 20-minute overview for any curious minds out there).
  • Rolled up our sleeves with our members at our annual Policy Summit to identify needs and craft our 2023 policy priorities. Secretary of Natural Resources Wade Crowfoot and State Senator Nancy Skinner joined us as guest speakers. And we enjoyed a happy hour afterwards!


  • The Board approved the 2023 Policy Priorities, both of which were developed by the Policy Committee and input was provided by members.
  • And more great things that you’ll learn about in early 2023!

Thank you, TOGETHER members, for a collaborative and productive 2022. We look forward to seeing you in person in 2023!