Wondering how local organizations are tackling today’s challenges and opportunities related to climate resilience and equity? Or how a regional coalition can support their work?
Join us for TOGETHER Tuesdays: a three-part, online, and FREE event series this fall. You’ll hear from TOGETHER Bay Area members about their transformational projects and programs related to three hot topics: biodiversity conservation, equitable access to the outdoors, and climate resilient lands and waters. Each showcase will feature short presentations, opportunities to connect with other attendees, and remarks from state leaders. These sessions are opportunities to:
- Gain insight & ideas about climate work at the local and regional levels
- Ask questions and find out what worked and what lessons we learned
- Build connections with people who can support you and your work
- Hear from state leaders about the value of local projects
Join us! Attend one, two, or all three sessions!
The 2023 Together Tuesday event series will be held via Zoom.
Close all the open tabs, put your feet up, get ready to participate, and join us!
Dates & Topics:
Who should attend?
- Anyone who wants a window into what’s happening in the Bay Area related to biodiversity, equitable access, and climate resilience
- Anyone who is curious about TOGETHER Bay Area and the work of a regional coalition
- Anyone who is a current TOGETHER Bay Area member, an elected official and their staff at the local and state levels, a student or researcher, a consultant, a funder or donor.
- Anyone who wants to feel more energized and hopeful about the future
- You!
TOGETHER Bay Area Members: Submit a Proposal
Members! You’re invited to highlight your work!
This is an opportunity to share your work with your peers, highlight what’s worked well and share some lessons learned, celebrate partnerships, and elevate your work on the regional and state-wide scale. We invite you to submit a proposal to present:
- September 26: Biodiversity Conservation | Projects and programs for habitat restoration, acquisition/protection of lands, land return to Native American tribes, planting native plants, removal of invasive species, stewardship projects
- October 17: Equitable Access to the Outdoors | Projects and programs that get people outside, change policies to make it easier for more people to get outside, co-create spaces for all to enjoy, build equitable career pathways and a representative workforce
- November 14: Climate Resilient Lands and Waters | Projects and programs that use nature-based solutions to climate change, prescribed/cultural burns, shaded fuel breaks, wetlands restoration, collecting and gathering by Tribes
Please tell us about programs/projects that are already in progress or have been completed.
Proposals will be reviewed by the TOGETHER team, and final projects will be selected in order to include geographic representation, a diverse group of speakers, and a mix of nonprofits and public agencies. Please email [email protected] with ideas for presentations and any questions.
Biodiversity Conservation
Tuesday, September 26
Members shared their transformative projects and programs related to biodiversity conservation:
- Máyyan ‘Ooyákma Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority. Presented by Aaron Hébert, Natural Resources Manager.
- Sonoma Creek Baylands Acquisition at Camp 4 Ranch, Sonoma Land Trust. Presented by John McCaull, Land Acquisition Director
- Livestock Pond Restoration and Monitoring Program – Hotspots for Biodiversity, East Bay Regional Park District. Presented by Dina Robertson, Wildland Vegetation Program Manager.
Included guest speaker Madeline Drake, Assistant Secretary for Biodiversity and Habitat
As the California Natural Resources Agency Assistant Secretary for Biodiversity and Habitat, Madeline Drake advises and coordinates with external stakeholders and CNRA departments, boards and conservancies to implement California’s 30×30 strategy. She also led the team that developed California’s “Pathways to 30×30” document, the strategic framework for conserving 30 percent of California’s land and coastal waters by 2030.

Equitable Access to the Outdoors
Tuesday, October 17
- Equitable Beach Access at Pacifica State Beach, Brown Girl Surf. Presented by Adriana Guerrero-Nardone, Executive Director.
- Fire Restoration Projects, Outdoor Experiences, and Job Pathways at Local Conservation Corps. Co-Presented by Civicorps, Steven Addison Conservation Program Manager; San Jose Conservation Corps, Edgar Echevarria, Director, Social Enterprise Operations; and Conservation Corps North Bay, Tyler Pitts, Chief Program Officer.
- From Classroom to Canopy: Connecting Youth to a New National Monument – presented by Santa Cruz Mountains Trail Stewardship. Presented by Emma Ussat, Senior Community Engagement Manager
And! We’ll hear from a guest speaker, Katherine Toy, Deputy Secretary for Access, about how local projects help the state advance its goals.
Katherine Toy joined the California Natural Resources Agency in January 2022 as the Deputy Secretary for Access, leading the Agency’s efforts to expand equitable access to the public lands, museums and historic spaces operated and managed by the agency for all Californians. Katherine also serves as Agency’s key point of contact with the Department of Parks and Recreation to support the Department as it responds to emerging challenges and opportunities. Read more here.

Climate Resilient Lands and Waters
Tuesday, November 14
Members shared their transformative projects and programs related to climate resilient lands and waters:
- Bringing Fire Back to Create a Resilient Forest. Presented by Nadia Hamey, Registered Professional Forester and Consultant for San Vicente Redwoods Conservation Partners (Peninsula Open Space Trust, Sempervirens Fund, and Save the Redwoods League).
- Preparing for Drought – Bay Area Water Recycling Projects. Presented by Florence Wedington, Senior Civil Engineer with EBMUD.
- Restoring Pescadero Watershed. Presented by Kellyx Nelson, Executive Director with San Mateo Resource Conservation District.
Including guest speaker Amanda Hansen, CNRA Deputy Secretary for Climate Change.
Amanda Hansen joined the California Natural Resources Agency in April 2019 as the Natural Resources Agency’s Deputy Secretary for Climate Change. In this role, she drives the Agency’s efforts to build California’s resilience to climate impacts and accelerate the contribution of nature based solutions to meeting our ambitious climate goals. She also coordinates the Agency’s national and international climate engagement. Read more here.

Watch Previous TOGETHER Tuesdays
TOGETHER Tuesdays 2022
TOGETHER Tuesdays 2021
Photo credits: Stu Weiss (biodiversity conservation); Annie Burke (equitable access to the outdoors); Lauren Korth (climate resilient lands and waters)