How did the region determine the goal to conservation of 50% of the Bay Area’s lands by 2050? And how does it fit with 30×30?
Continue readingCLN 2.0 Progress Report Arrives in December
This report reflects the work of local conservation organizations who have worked tirelessly to conserve new lands. It contains scientific analysis and interconnections to state goals and regional planning processes. And it contains a lot of hope. Here are a few reasons why.
Continue readingCalling All Bay Area Conservation Data Compilers
Update the BPAD to support local land conservation efforts in service of regional and state goals.
Continue readingMember Spotlight: Tending the Forest with Fire
It takes a village and a lot of leadership to come together for a prescribed fire event. Audubon Canyon Ranch, Sonoma Land Trust, Tribal EcoRestoration Alliance, Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation, Pepperwood, and CAL FIRE were represented on the Thomas Creek Ranch burn.
Continue readingMember Spotlight: Building Climate Resilience at Bivista Ridge Ranch
Because almost the entirety of the Bivista Ridge Ranch lies within the Critical Linkage Area identified by the Conservation Lands Network, protecting this property is vital for the resilience of local biodiversity to a changing climate.
Continue readingExciting CLN Announcements
The CLN Explorer Tool now includes information from the Sustainable Landscape Health Assessment (SLHA). With more updates to come!
Continue readingWhy 30×30 Gives Me Hope
When I take a minute to zoom out and look at the big picture, California’s 30×30 initiative fills me with hope. Here’s why.
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